Netflix CFO Quits

It was good while it lasted NFLX longs. First the CFO dumped a bunch of stock over the last 12 months for $58 million and now he quits. After a nice bounce (thank you I got more puts)back over $199 a share today, Netflix is now trading $183 after hours. Merry Christmas shorts.

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Silver and Gold Up Again

Gold climbs to over $1400 and Silver hits $30 an ounce. It still looks like gold and silver do well no matter what happens. Gold may reach $5000 an ounce in the next 3 years. Here are a few things that could further push gold higher. China has been buying more gold. Ron Paul will soon be put in a position where he will have more power to question the Fed.  Everyone knows he is a fan of the gold standard and probably would get rid of the Fed altogether if he could.

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Priceline Stock Price is Out of Line

Give me a break. PCLN hits 414 today. Minutes before the close I bought a Dec 390 put.  I also have Jan puts on AMZN, PCLN and NFLX.

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Thank You CNBC

On CNBC’s Strategy session they just had on a “noted short seller” Asensio say almost word for word what I have been saying about Netflix. ” They have nothing!” Note my post 3 days ago.  NFLX now at $188…ouch.  I hope this will be the Put play that keeps on giving. Bounce bounce bounce….please.

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400% in 1 day

That was fun. Bought a  put for $1.95 200 strike price on NFLX on Dec 1st and sold it the next morning at $10.00. I will buy more puts on this when it bounces. Looking to buy AMZN, PCLN puts today for next week.

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Time to make some money

So the market is up about 190 points this morning and it’s time to pull the trigger. Just bought some puts on PCLN and NFLX.  I predicted we would have a few 100-200 point swings before the big drop and here we are.  Get ready.

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Ireland, North Korea and Bears Oh My!

It’s scary how little the general public knows about the dangers that are piling up around us.  Even as the Dow is down 140 points as I write this, I wonder how the market is not down 500 points. The stock market is not the biggest danger to the loss of wealth for Americans. It’s the bond market. When the bond bubble bursts, the amount of wealth lost will be staggering. This will cause even more selling in the stock market to protect whatever wealth is left.  Unfortunately for Ireland, they can’t print their way out of the debt. How is that Euro thing going now? One by one, Countries will leave the Euro and go back to their own currency and regain their freedom. Imagine outside countries forcing a country to raise taxes, cut benefits on it’s people? Scary.

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Stock Market Going off a Cliff

Get ready. As predicted over 5 weeks ago, the stock market is now falling and has begun it’s long decline. Use any strength in the market to sell long positions and load up on puts. A few 100 -200 points up and down before a major crash by the end of the year. Puts on NFLX, PCLN, AMZN and BIDU. I will buy gold again when it drops to $1200 or silver at $20.

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Google The First Trillion Dollar Company

If we are still using dollars in the next 7 years, Google will reach a market cap of a Trillion dollars by 2017 or before any other company. With a market cap of $170 Billion now, that would be 6 times it’s current value or $3200 a share. Why so high a value? Think of search as the mall and Google owns it. It rents out space to business and you buy from that business directly at the mall. Google then decides to open it’s own travel store right next to the Priceline travel store. Google then decides to put it’s travel store in front of the Priceline store or bury it lower in it’s results OR remove it altogether.  you may have heard that Google recently bought a travel software company. Travel, Amazon, Ebay, Real Estate and on and on. One by one Google will squeeze out not stores, but entire INDUSTRIES.  Google is a cash cow and can afford to make mistakes along the way.  Facebook has to make the leap to search to become a threat.  Could Apple ? If Apple made it’s own search – It could compete with Google. I would call it CORE.  Apple has the branding and TRUST needed for search. Maybe Apple buys Facebook and also gets into search? Now that would be big.  AppleFace.

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The Real Economy

Is the economy really recovering? Most people would say yes, but slowly. We have positive GDP, but what does that mean to the average person? The words “double dip” have been used a lot, but what are the odds of a double dip? Extremely low statistically you would be told by most economists, but what if we never really got out of the recession, then it would not be a double dip. The bailouts have bought time, but not stopped the underlying problems with the economy. One of the big outstanding issues is that part of the bailouts were for the states. That was a one time bailout right? I doubt it. California, Massachusetts, New York and a number of other states are in deep. Local and state layoffs are happening and will continue to happen as their budgets get squeezed. We are not out of the recession, we just ran up our last credit card and there is no more room on any of the other cards. Will China and the rest of the world give us another one to use? Sooner or later we will have to pay or our kids will pay. Many people have finally woken up to the danger we are all in. The Debt is finally getting noticed and the consequences are starting to be realized. We are broke. Many parts of the Country are in for a rude awakening. While California, Florida, Nevada and Arizona have seen huge declines in property value, some areas like the North East have held up better. This will not last. The North East, Texas and Central States will see a decline in many areas of the economy for a long time. Perception is reality until reality becomes the perception. Many still have the delusion that their homes are worth much more and since so many think that way, it will work, but as the economy fails further… and it will, many will be caught off guard thinking they bought at the bottom only to find out that the bottom has fallen out. We fell off a cliff and caught a branch on the way down. There is no way we can climb back up and we can’t hold on forever. The real question is what will China do when we can’t pay up? If the Fed hyper inflates our way out of this, many will see their savings wiped out and chaos in the streets as people can’t afford to keep up with rising food and gas costs.  There is always hope. This is a confidence game. If a Ronald Reagan steps up, there may be a chance to get out of this, but more than likely we have YEARS of trouble ahead.

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