If we are still using dollars in the next 7 years, Google will reach a market cap of a Trillion dollars by 2017 or before any other company. With a market cap of $170 Billion now, that would be 6 times it’s current value or $3200 a share. Why so high a value? Think of search as the mall and Google owns it. It rents out space to business and you buy from that business directly at the mall. Google then decides to open it’s own travel store right next to the Priceline travel store. Google then decides to put it’s travel store in front of the Priceline store or bury it lower in it’s results OR remove it altogether. you may have heard that Google recently bought a travel software company. Travel, Amazon, Ebay, Real Estate and on and on. One by one Google will squeeze out not stores, but entire INDUSTRIES. Google is a cash cow and can afford to make mistakes along the way. Facebook has to make the leap to search to become a threat. Could Apple ? If Apple made it’s own search – It could compete with Google. I would call it CORE. Apple has the branding and TRUST needed for search. Maybe Apple buys Facebook and also gets into search? Now that would be big. AppleFace.
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