Tag Archives: Buy Gold

Stock Market Meltdown

If you look at my past posts on the economy and stock market, you will see that this market crash in the last 9 days is not a surprise to me.  Just look down this page to my post back … Continue reading

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Market Melt Up

The market is supposed to be smarter than the rest of us right? So what is it telling us by this huge gain over the last 6 months without a single significant pullback? Here are some thoughts. In March 2009, the … Continue reading

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Silver and Gold Up Again

Gold climbs to over $1400 and Silver hits $30 an ounce. It still looks like gold and silver do well no matter what happens. Gold may reach $5000 an ounce in the next 3 years. Here are a few things … Continue reading

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Silver and Gold

As gold is hitting record highs, some may think it’s time to sell. The odd thing about the current rise in gold is that it seems that it can only go up. If the economy gets worse then people buy … Continue reading

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