What are we to believe? The fact that the stock market has broken above some key technicals levels can’t be ignored. Does the market know something we don’t know yet? Can we even trust the technicals anymore? Is there market manipulation to the point where the technicals can’t be trusted? These are the questions I have and many more. I want believe we are out of the woods and back in a long term bull market, but my gut tells me “NO”. The big question is can we trust this market? Well, if a billion dollars can go missing and no one seems to care or do anything about it, we have problems and who knows how bad it could get. Is our money safe anywhere??!!! Remember during the crisis they changed the fdic to $250,000? I think that ends this year. Check your local banks and you will see the posts up in fine print. The retired senior citizens, that barely make 1% or 2% need to worry about even more now.
If paper (dollar) is going to become worth less or worthless, wouldn’t people want to get into stocks, real estate and gold just to be able to have something tangible? If a company has 100 billion dollars, wouldn’t they want to buy another company while their dollars are still worth something? Let’s just face the facts that this stock market can go up even if the fundamentals don’t add up.
I wish the stock market knew more than we do and knows something we don’t yet. Let’s dream for a moment that the stock market knows that we are seeing a repeat of the Carter to Reagan years. What a time that was! Could there be bigger forces at work here that we can’t see or understand? Think about this, the roaring 20’s, the booming 50’s and the BIG 80’s…. every 30 years or so, we go though a major cycle in the economy AND attitude. Are we not sick and tired of all this debbie downer stuff? We are due are we not? I was a teen in the 80’s and what a decade it was. We knew we had it good right? America was proud again. We had fun! We felt powerful and hopeful! Was it Reagan or did the county bring forth a Reagan because that’s what we needed? Did God intervene to save this Country time and time again? Will he again? God knows that freedom is under attack. Will anyone save us? Can we think and be positive and hopeful when we keep seeing our freedoms being taken away and while the majority of Americans continue to be blind to it. Were we really surprised that Freedom Watch – A top rated show on FOX Business- was canceled?
I am going to believe in America and it’s future. I am going to believe that somehow the people will open their eyes and fight for their freedom. I am going to believe God will continue to bless America.