Category Archives: Stocks

Stock opinion and trends

400% in 1 day

That was fun. Bought a  put for $1.95 200 strike price on NFLX on Dec 1st and sold it the next morning at $10.00. I will buy more puts on this when it bounces. Looking to buy AMZN, PCLN puts today … Continue reading

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Time to make some money

So the market is up about 190 points this morning and it’s time to pull the trigger. Just bought some puts on PCLN and NFLX.  I predicted we would have a few 100-200 point swings before the big drop and … Continue reading

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Google The First Trillion Dollar Company

If we are still using dollars in the next 7 years, Google will reach a market cap of a Trillion dollars by 2017 or before any other company. With a market cap of $170 Billion now, that would be 6 times … Continue reading

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Stock Market Ready to Drop

We have formed the right side of the head and shoulders pattern on the S & P 500 at 1150. There is a small chance that the S & P can break above that and Skyrocket higher, but more that … Continue reading

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