Category Archives: Uncategorized

Wall Street

Wall Street: Money Never Sleeps is the follow up movie to the original 1987 Wall Street, also directed by Oliver Stone. The average person will not like this movie and after this opening week, it will not last long at … Continue reading

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Stock Market Ready to Drop

We have formed the right side of the head and shoulders pattern on the S & P 500 at 1150. There is a small chance that the S & P can break above that and Skyrocket higher, but more that … Continue reading

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Silver and Gold

As gold is hitting record highs, some may think it’s time to sell. The odd thing about the current rise in gold is that it seems that it can only go up. If the economy gets worse then people buy … Continue reading

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The Town

Ben Affleck directs and stars in The Town,  another movie about a rough neighborhood bad guy thief that you hope gets away with it. This movie once again shows Ben can capture the Boston attitude on the big screen better … Continue reading

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Overpriced stocks

As I write this, the stock price for NFLX is at $142. I hope it reaches 200. This stock will fall hard eventually and here is why.  Netflix does not have anything! What do they have that you cant get elsewhere? … Continue reading

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3 D Overload

Okay, I like 3D don’t get me wrong, but are we really going to be needing to wear those glasses soon at every movie? Not likely. I can see paying extra on movies like Avatar in 3D, but when they … Continue reading

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2010 Election

The theory is that Democrats will stay home while Republicans and Tea Party voters are highly motivated and will turn out in big numbers.  Anything can happen between now and then, but more than likely there will be a major … Continue reading

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I  think the S & P 500 has formed a classic head and shoulders pattern and we are going to fall to about 900 on the S & P by the end of this year.

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Join Me

Join me for an open discussion about a wide variety of topics.  Politics, business, movies, people, travel and anything else that enters our daily lives.  I have no doubt you will find this fun, insightful and I welcome you to join in … Continue reading

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Hello world!

Let’s figure out what’s next together!

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