It’s an amazing thing that virtually every person on this earth is conned into a life of trying to acquire worthless paper.
“Give me control of a nation’s money and I care not who makes the laws.”
– Mayer Amschel Rothschild
Unfortunately most people have little interest in understanding how money works. It’s very sad that people don’t know that they are living in a blind slavery. You work for paper that continuously loses value while those that control the paper OWN and CONTROL and manipulate everything around you to keep you blind and enslaved. Rather than go on for hours proving this to you, I will give you the short version and then you can take a few years researching the scary details for yourself and you too will discover the biggest con in history.
Since the average person can only handle so much of this information at once, I am going to give you the simple version of the big con and the solutions to solving our nations and the worlds debt problems.
1) Don’t trust any media – not even FOX
2) Both republicans and democrats are either afraid, ignorant or in on it. A few brave stand up for truth and freedom like Ron Paul are portrayed as fools by the media on purpose. The same elite that control the money also control the media – propaganda – Since the average American does not dig deeper, they just follow along with the media story line on everything. The media TELL US who is relevant. It’s always one of their own – republican or democrat. The Elite love us pointing fingers at each other so we don’t notice them.
How do we solve the debt problem?
1) End the Federal reserve and take back control of printing our own money.
2) We then peg the dollar to gold at $5000 an ounce or $10,000. Whatever, it does not matter since the United States Treasury can print it’s own money. By doing this, the world will rush to sell us their gold. Perfect. From then on we are pegged. No more debt. All those tbills and bonds will get paid by just printing the money. We NEVER sell bonds again. Why would we when we can just print it?
3) The United States Treasury then LOANS to all the small and big banks at 2% interest. YES we the people will get PAID by the banks. If a bank makes bad loans, they FAIL period end of story. That’s called competition. The banks lend to the people at whatever rate they want. I know it will be more that 2%, but I also know with real competition for loans, it wont be 17% either. Imagine how much money the government would make from 2% of all the banks!
WE ARE NOT IN DEBT if we understand history and take back control of our money, we can truly be free like the founding fathers intended. They warned us not to give money making control to the international banks. The Federal reserve is a big lie meant to keep us under their control and enrich the International Elite few at the top of this scheme.